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Lots of love, Lauren @ itsabridesworld xx

Wedding Report – Shoes

Live, Laugh, Love, Marriage

My shoes took a fair bit of deciding on as despite having a massive collection of shoes, I don’t really like to wear anything other than flip flops, UGG boots or Dubarrys!

Very early on after choosing our colour scheme I bought a pair of beautiful glittery gold Kurt Geiger shoes in the sale. They were a bit tight, but I had good intentions to wear them in to loosen them up, but I never did so I sold them to another Bride who coincedentally was getting married the day after me!

I’d had some John Lewis vouchers sitting around and so I popped onto the website to see what I could find. I did have the option of going for traditional wedding shoes, but then I found some plum coloured beauties, and so I spent my vouchers on them instead! They weren’t very weddingy though, so I decided to…

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