My ‘8 months to go’ to-do list

My to-do list seems to be growing. A lot. Even when I tick things off another couple of things add themselves to the bottom. So I thought I’d share my 8 months to go to-do list with you…. … Confirm Bridesmaid’s measurements, then order the dresses Buy Bridesmaid faux fur shrugs Pay off my dress […]

Dog ring bearers

So now I have my three gorgeous puppies, I’m planning on training them to be ring bearers at our wedding. Crazy, some people might think. But they’ll be such an integral part of our family by then that I can’t imagine getting married without them. I won’t dress them up like some couple’s do, but […]

Honey I’m home..!!

After what feels like MONTHS away from this blog, I am finally back!!!  Mr M are in our very lovely house, and we have two little additions to the M family; please welcome Milo (first photo) and Stanley (second photo)! They’re only very young at the moment, but they are very clever boys and are […]